Santai Philosophy

Children in Nature

19 Apr 2021

We must teach our children
To smell the earth,
To taste the rain,
To touch the wind,
To see things grow,
To hear the sun rise
And night fall,
To care.

~ John Cleal


Nature is a wonderful classroom for children. Giving our children the gift of spending time in nature allows them to learn about life, beauty, time and the interconnectedness of all things.

No fancy gadgets or teaching methods required. Just need to show up and be there.
Photo by @dismasyoga
Tags: Children, Nature, Poetry, Digital Detox,
Jl. Sukamaju, Sukamaju, Sukalarang,
 Sukabumi, Jawa Barat 43191
©2024 Sukasantai Farmstay | Web by Ducosky
Jl. Sukamaju, Sukamaju, Sukalarang,
 Sukabumi, Jawa Barat 43191
©2024 Sukasantai Farmstay | Web by Ducosky